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Port389 Directory Server

 這幾天玩了一下 Fedora Directory Server (Aka. Port389 Directory Server),,覺得還不錯玩。所以把一些看過的文章,留下紀錄,作為以後的參考。

LDAP gecos 欄位使用中文的問題

今天在作 LDAP User Account 的測試,發現 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 提供的 OpenLDAP Schema,會造成無法順利儲存 UTF8 編碼的中文全名。經過爬文後,找到了「LDAP gecos 欄位使用中文的問題」這篇文章,裡面有提到解決方法。

讚!! 經過測試後,證實此方法的確可以解決我遇到的問題。所以,收錄下來當作紀念!!


Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0

剛剛收到來自 Fedora 的信件:

We are proud to announce the release of Fedora Directory Server 1.0.

This release marks a significant milestone for the open source community, who now have access to the code for the console and administration engine as well as the previously open sourced LDAP engine. This release uses the Apache httpd engine as its administration server, and includes mod_nss - a rewrite of mod_ssl which uses the Mozilla NSS crypto engine. The 1.0 release, in addition to its many other features such as LDAPv3, Multi-Master Replication, and Windows Synchronization, includes support for MD5, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 password hashing, as well as many bug fixes. Fedora Directory Server 1.0 furthers the evolution and democratization of open source software in making this powerful, enterprise proven technology available to all. It is a boon for developers who are now able to port the full package - LDAP engine, console, and admin engine - to many different platforms.

If you have used the previous version of Fedora Directory Server, we invite you to try our new version. If you are using another LDAP server, we invite you to try ours and let us know how it compares - we're always looking for ways to improve. Our community is already active and growing, and you are welcome and encouraged to join. There are many ways: joining the mailing lists, reporting bugs, editing documentation, writing scripts/patches/plug-ins, and many more.

Try it out! -
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Join our community! -
mod_nss -
Drop us a line! - and

Fedora-directory-announce mailing list

OpenLDAP 啟動失敗

如果您啟動 OpenLDAP 時,/var/log/messages 會出現 "slaptest: sql_select option missing" 的錯誤訊息,那麼請將 /etc/openldap/* 的擁有者與擁有群組改為 ldap,然後再重新啟動即可。

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