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cahier lukhnos (nota lumina) » 不會想再寫一次的常用軟體清單

剛剛小州給我一個好文章 -- "cahier lukhnos (nota lumina) » 不會想再寫一次的常用軟體清單",整理了許多 MacOSX 系統中著名、好用的軟體,真的值得典藏。

出處:cahier lukhnos (nota lumina)

跑在 MacBook Pro 的 OpenStep

OpenStep?? 這是以前的 NeXT 的 NeXTStep 的改版,也是小時候我在學校時,另我垂涎三尺的一個漂亮的作業系統 (在我心中排名第二,第一是 SGI)。

今天在 digg 上看到 "Mac on Intel :: NeXT's OpenStep up and running on a MacBook Pro",裡頭提到:

The reason I am a Mac user, and an avid one at that, is Steve Jobs. But not in the way you might think. Yes, he co-founded Apple and is the father of the Macintosh, but those aren't what I'm speaking of. It's Jobs work after his oust from Apple that has put me behind the Macintosh at which I now type. It was called NeXT.

以下是 Mac On Intel 網站提供的一張 Screenshot,您可以看一下:

Openstep Vesa Workspace1 Th

有買 MacBook Pro 的朋友,可以玩玩看。可惜,為了狗兒子的尿布與奶粉,短期內還不能買 MacBook Pro。 :'(

出處:Mac On Intel

Thunderbird has landed

先前在 "Finally! Thunderbird Addressbook integration!" 文章中提到,Torsten Curdt 把 Apple MacOS 上的 Thunderbird 加入對 Apple AddressBook 整合的能力。

剛剛 Torsten Curdt 的部落格上,發表了 "Thunderbird has landed" 這個新聞。裡頭提到提到 Torsten 大大已經公佈了如何在 MacOS X 上編譯整合 AddressBook 的 Thunderbird:

Last month I announced I got a working build of Thunderbird with Addressbook integration. Unfortunately it was just a shared library version only working on my machine. It was refering to all the libraries on my machine - so no luck for other people. So I had to look into how the guys from mozilla do their releases. After harassing them on IRC I was able to fix a little bug in the static build and create the dmg. Their tinderbox build logs turned out to be very helpful for figuring out how. So basically what I ended up doing is to look up the mozconfig of the official builds. You can do that by specifying “about:buildconfig” in the location for the startup page.

mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=mail

ac_add_options --with-macos-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
ac_add_options --enable-application=mail

ac_add_options '--enable-optimize=-O2 -g'
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-tests
ac_add_options --enable-static
ac_add_options --disable-shared
ac_add_options --enable-prebinding
ac_add_options --enable-update-packaging
ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=release
ac_add_options --enable-official-branding

Once you have the code base on your machine building is quite simple - it does take a while though. After doing a clean build with the patch applied you should end up with a folder in the dist directory that is about 450MB!! Packaging does the trick and strips down the binary so the final application is about 17MB. (Please note that I “make -f build” did not work as expected. You have to call the default target “make -f” as is fetches some more code from cvs)

make -f clean
make -f
make -C obj-powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0/mail/installer

You should end up with a dmg in the dist folder. For convenience I’ve provided a copy of my build here. (This copy might go away at some stage) But be aware - this patch has not even been committed to trunk yet. Although it is now marked as a “maybe blocker” for Thunderbird 2.0 (hurray!). It’s a developer build - not a stable release. So better backup your profiles and addressbook before you give it a go. (Actually starting with a new profile might be a good idea to get the proper settings into your prefs.js)

If you like it - please provide feedback in bugzilla and continue to vote for the bug.

, , ,

這篇文章除了教你如何自己編譯 Thunderbird 外,也提供了 Torsten 大大編譯好的安裝檔,您可以點這裡,直接下載安裝檔。如果想要嘗鮮、不怕死的人,可以安裝 Torsten 大大提供的 Thunderbird 3.0 Alpha1 吧!!

BTW,剛剛用過了,挺不賴的,直接可以看到 Apple AddressBook 中的資料。 :)

出處:Torsten's weblog

All about Linux: Linux Distributions Bird's Eye View - a Mind Map

這裡有一份關於 Linux 著名的 Distribution 族譜 -- "All about Linux: Linux Distributions Bird's Eye View - a Mind Map",這作者真是用心阿!!



出處: All about Linux


昨天的一篇文章:iThome online : The First IT Portal : 愚人節駭客惡搞Linux網站,裡面提到:


這裡有一個文章中提到的 un-root 攻擊成功的血淋淋教訓:

我比較感興趣的是,uname -a 的結果,看起來像是 RHL7 這些系統。RHL 7?? 這是幾百年前的產品阿?! 人家都宣佈已經不再提供更新服務了。這些產品的用戶,應該要升級到最新的版本,而不是放任不管。

自己系統不更新,上帝也保佑不了。就像 Windows 2000 沒有上 SP,IIS 就內建了數十個漏洞,對攻擊者來說,幾秒鐘就可攻入,如入無人之地一樣。

想不到這些單位,也利用 FUD 亂放話。真是夠了!!

Update 2006/04/07:



FC5 的 Postfix + SASL2

前幾天把我的 Fedora Core 4 升級至 FC5,結果發現先前正常執行的 Postfix + SASL2 卻無法順利的執行了,錯誤訊息如下:

  • /var/log/messages:

    Mar 31 15:24:32 linux kernel: smtpd[5794]: segfault at 00007fffffd7f000 rip 00002aaaaba98b0f rsp 00007fffffd7bdb8 error 4
  • /var/log/maillog:

    Mar 31 15:24:32 linux postfix/master[5759]: warning: process /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 5794 killed by signal 11
    Mar 31 15:24:32 linux postfix/master[5759]: warning: /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling

查過所有的文件,都找不到解決的方法。後來發現 /var/log/maillog 有另外一組可疑的訊息:

Mar 31 15:25:44 linux postfix/smtpd[6118]: sql_select option missing
Mar 31 15:25:44 linux postfix/smtpd[6118]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism available
Mar 31 15:25:44 linux postfix/smtpd[6118]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied

後來想說,可能是 SASL 的錯誤,於是試著把 /usr/lib64/sasl2/smtpd 改成:

  • 舊的,有問題的:

  • 沒問題的:



Serial ATA (SATA) Linux status report

最近發現我的寶貝 Fedora Core 肚量越來越少了,又捨不得刪除多年來收集到的愛情文藝動作片,所以,經過老婆批准下,打算添購下列幾項設備:

  • SATA RAID Controller
  • 500W 的 Power
  • RAM 擴充至 2G

在 SATA RAID Controller 的部份,目前正在考慮 HighPointPromise 兩家公司的產品。為了了解 Linux 是否能順利的驅動這些設備,經過 Google 大師找到了 "Serial ATA (SATA) Linux status report" 這篇文章,裡面提到:

This status report applies to the latest SATA driver release, found in kernels 2.4.33-pre1 and 2.6.15.




謝謝老婆,今天晚上陪我逛了將近三個小時的建國路順發,買了我的新滑鼠 -- Logitech V500:


不過,剛剛逛了一下 Logitech 的網站,才發現,下面這個 (V270) 比較適合小銀使用:


因為 V500 是使用無線電介面,而 V270 則是使用藍芽。因為小銀有內建藍芽的接收器,使用 V270 可以不用額外攜帶 USB 的無線電接收器。唉...老婆應該不會批准讓我買第二個吧?! 所以,短期內就只好繼續帶著拖油瓶吧...等到未來 V500 這款的型號,有了藍芽介面的版本後,再來更新吧!!

Joomla's Project Director Talks 1.1

根據 "Joomla's Project Director Talks 1.1" 的介紹:

daria42 writes "It's been a hectic six months for the Joomla open-source CMS since its split from the Mambo project, but according to this interview with project director Andrew Eddie there are even faster times ahead. Next week Joomla will make its formal debut at LinuxWorld Expo in Boston, with the milestone Joomla 1.1 release due towards the end of April. As Mambo and Joomla continue to diverge, Eddie says, users and developers will be forced to declare their colours and pick one or the other for production sites."

看起來 Joomla 1.1 應該會在四月底正式的發表!! 唉,昨天才升級到 1.0.8 呢~~




  • SLBU 更新至 Joomla! 1.0.8 UTF 版本
  • SLBU 的討論區系統 (SMF, SimpleMachine Forum) 更新到 1.1RC2
  • 更新了 SLBU 中的 Joomla-SMF 元件至 1.1 版
  • 部落格更新至 2.0.2
  • 順便把我的部落格佈景更換為 fNice 1.0

看起來真爽,一天幹了這麼多壞事!! :p

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