Cd Chen's Services

ba ba ba la~~



最近在研究 Eclipse RCP,找到對岸的「中國 Eclipse 社區」網站,裡面真是寶庫阿,什麼東西都有!!

如果您對 Eclipse RCP 有興趣,「RCP开发书籍资料简介」這篇文章列出了一些必讀的清單,有興趣的朋友,可以購買這些書,好好研究研究吧~~


昨天爬文時,挖到 Eclipse-JAAS 這個東西。以下是 上的簡介:

A collection of Eclipse plugins to manage authentication and authorization within an application built on the RCP framework. The plugins provide an implementation of the JAAS API and can be extended by developers to support their own security needsA collection of Eclipse plugins to manage authentication and authorization within an application built on the RCP framework. The plugins provide an implementation of the JAAS API and can be extended by developers to support their own security needs.


幾個 RCP 的示範與講解

最近在研究 Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform) 這個好玩的東東,將幾個常用到的範例,整理如下:

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