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Thunderbird has landed

先前在 "Finally! Thunderbird Addressbook integration!" 文章中提到,Torsten Curdt 把 Apple MacOS 上的 Thunderbird 加入對 Apple AddressBook 整合的能力。

剛剛 Torsten Curdt 的部落格上,發表了 "Thunderbird has landed" 這個新聞。裡頭提到提到 Torsten 大大已經公佈了如何在 MacOS X 上編譯整合 AddressBook 的 Thunderbird:

Last month I announced I got a working build of Thunderbird with Addressbook integration. Unfortunately it was just a shared library version only working on my machine. It was refering to all the libraries on my machine - so no luck for other people. So I had to look into how the guys from mozilla do their releases. After harassing them on IRC I was able to fix a little bug in the static build and create the dmg. Their tinderbox build logs turned out to be very helpful for figuring out how. So basically what I ended up doing is to look up the mozconfig of the official builds. You can do that by specifying “about:buildconfig” in the location for the startup page.

mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=mail

ac_add_options --with-macos-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
ac_add_options --enable-application=mail

ac_add_options '--enable-optimize=-O2 -g'
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-tests
ac_add_options --enable-static
ac_add_options --disable-shared
ac_add_options --enable-prebinding
ac_add_options --enable-update-packaging
ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=release
ac_add_options --enable-official-branding

Once you have the code base on your machine building is quite simple - it does take a while though. After doing a clean build with the patch applied you should end up with a folder in the dist directory that is about 450MB!! Packaging does the trick and strips down the binary so the final application is about 17MB. (Please note that I “make -f build” did not work as expected. You have to call the default target “make -f” as is fetches some more code from cvs)

make -f clean
make -f
make -C obj-powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0/mail/installer

You should end up with a dmg in the dist folder. For convenience I’ve provided a copy of my build here. (This copy might go away at some stage) But be aware - this patch has not even been committed to trunk yet. Although it is now marked as a “maybe blocker” for Thunderbird 2.0 (hurray!). It’s a developer build - not a stable release. So better backup your profiles and addressbook before you give it a go. (Actually starting with a new profile might be a good idea to get the proper settings into your prefs.js)

If you like it - please provide feedback in bugzilla and continue to vote for the bug.

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這篇文章除了教你如何自己編譯 Thunderbird 外,也提供了 Torsten 大大編譯好的安裝檔,您可以點這裡,直接下載安裝檔。如果想要嘗鮮、不怕死的人,可以安裝 Torsten 大大提供的 Thunderbird 3.0 Alpha1 吧!!

BTW,剛剛用過了,挺不賴的,直接可以看到 Apple AddressBook 中的資料。 :)

出處:Torsten's weblog

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