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FedoraPeople 部落格上看到 "Tejas Dinkar: system-config-control" 這篇文章,裡面提到:

I decided to re-write a fedora application that I saw in the extras repo.

It is system-config-control, and it is a wrapper for all the other system-config-tools

Here is a Screen Shot

The source code is found here: scc.tar.gz

Now the install instructions are a bit stupid.

Since I built up on the old system-config-control in the fedora-extras repo, this is how it should be installed (I'll build an rpm when I learn how).

1) extract tarball to some temporary location
2) install system-config-control from the extras repositry
3) replace the folder /usr/share/system-config-control with the one in the tarball

At the very least, replace and .glade

You may ask - if I have to replace /usr/share/system-config-control, then why do I have to install from extras?

Well, this app uses console helper to run. I can't figure out (right now) how to set that up. Will do that later, and provide an rpm.

the script will still work if you do not copy the stuff, but it will vomit errors if it does not find pictures in /usr/share/system-config-control/pixmaps.


看起來不錯,有機會來試試看。不過氾 RHL 系統最大的問題,就是其圖形化管理工具非常的醜陋、難用,希望這東西能有改善。否則,我真的會想要把 KSysAdminShell 給完成!!


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