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Understanding Virtual Memory

這篇來自 Red Hat Magazine 的文章,提到了 Linux 的 VM (Virtual Memory) 運作方法,值得收藏。

Understanding Virtual Memory:

use of a configuration file (/etc/sysctl.conf), in which all the desirable changes to a VM can be recorded for a system and restored after a restart of the operating system, making this access method suitable for long term changes to a system VM. The file is straightforward in its layout, using simple key-value pairs with comments for clarity. For example:


Eclipse Foundation Announces Web Tools Platform 1.0

Eclipse 發佈了 WTP 1.0 版了!!


Eclipse Foundation Announces Web Tools Platform 1.0:

Eclipse WTP Project ships platform API for independent extension

The Eclipse Foundation, an open source community committed to implementation of a universal development
platform, will make the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) 1.0 release generally available the week of Dec
19th, 2005. Eclipse WTP 1.0 is an extensible, standards-based tool platform for developing J2EE and Web
applications. WTP has already been adopted by the leading J2EE suppliers, including BEA, Borland, IBM,
JBoss and ObjectWeb. This full version release solidifies the platform API for 3rd party extension, and
accompanying major documentation improvements make WTP ready for the next-level of vendor adoption.


KDE and OpenSync develop KitchenSync to replace KPilot

剛剛看到這個新聞:KDE and OpenSync develop KitchenSync to replace KPilot:

Developers of the K Desktop Environment (KDE) have teamed with those at the OpenSync project to produce a graphical interface called KitchenSync to replace the KPilot PDA sync tool beginning with the release of KDE 4.

聽起來不錯,希望以後 Linux 與 PDA 系統間能溝通無礙。


Linux Boots on Treo 650

喔?? Treo 650 可以用來啟動 Linux??

嗯嗯,看起來蠻有趣的。等我的 Treo 650 退休時,可以來玩玩看!!

Linux Boots on Treo 650:

nilbog writes "A major leap forward has taken place in the development of Linux for the Treo 650. has posted screenshots of a Cingular branded 650 displaying the familiar penguin logo. A discussion has sprung up over the the treo central forums where Shadowmite, one of the developers, has confirmed that it shouldn't be too long before they are able to get the phone's hardware working under linux. "


Torvalds Says 'Use KDE'

想不到,連 Linus Torvalds 也推薦使用 KDE!!

Torvalds Says 'Use KDE':

An anonymous reader writes "Without tip-toeing around the matter, Linus Torvalds made his preference in the GNOME vs. KDE matter quite clear on the GNOME-usability list: "I personally just encourage people to switch to KDE. This 'users are idiots, and are confused by functionality' mentality of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it. I don't use Gnome, because in striving to be simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need it to do. Please, just tell people to use KDE." Also, "Gnome seems to be developed by interface nazis, where consistently the excuse for not doing something is not 'it's too complicated to do', but 'it would confuse users'.""


Nessus 3.0 Released

Nessus 3.0 Released:

duplo1 writes Tenable Security has announced the release of Nessus 3.0. Nessus is an enterprise level vulnerability scanner and this new version brings a complete rewrite of the Nessus engine redesigned for increased speed and efficiency running on the average, twice as fast as Nessus 2. From the release: "In addition to gaining dramatic improvements in performance, Tenable also provides an optional Direct Feed subscription service for Nessus 3.0 which provides immediate access to new vulnerability checks and entitles Nessus 3.0 users to commercial support from Tenable. The Tenable Plugins include support for a rating methodology called Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) that can be used to express the criticality of a discovered vulnerability or threat."


Illustrator CS2 鋼筆工具無法使用之解決方法

今天下午去買了幾本書,其中一本是介紹 Illustrator CS2 的使用方法。

說來慚愧,自己本身在學校念的就是設計,理論上這種工具應該很熟才對。不過,由於小時候比較喜歡使用 FreeHand,而不是複雜的 Illustrator,再者從離開學校後,就一直沒有再接觸設計的東西。直到最近要準備 SLBU 叢書中的插圖 (尤其是投影片中的插圖),所以又重操作業。然而目前找得到的,就是 Illustrator CS2,而不是我熟悉的 FreeHand,只好買一些書回來 K。

不過,我發現安裝完 Illustrator 後,發生鋼筆工具 (Pen Tool) 竟然無法使用。

後來查遍 Google 後,發現對岸也有人遇到類似的情況。其解決方法為從 Illustrator CS2 的簡介中,移除 zh_TW 與 zh_CN 語系。自己測試過後,發現問題就解決了!!


SLBU101 Release!!

今天在中午左右提交最後一個版本後,學貫出版社通知我應該沒有什麼問題了,所以 SLBU101 可以說是正式完成了!!

這本書預計在 12 月底問世。

終於把 SLBU101 全部完成了,爽!!

關於這本書的詳細資訊,請參閱:SLBU 網站

SLBU101 RC1 Released.

今天總算完成了 SLBU101 整本書了!! 這本書將在星期五進廠付印。

RC1 主要的變動包含:
1) 修改了部份錯別字
2) 完成每個 Lab 的說明介紹
3) 加入 GPL 與證照考試的附錄


SLBU101 Alpha Commited.

今天把 SLBU101 的第一個 Alpha 版本交給學貫出版社了,這幾天會開始著手 Beta 的工作,希望能如期在 2005/12/05 完成整本書。


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