Cd Chen's Services

ba ba ba la~~



這是我在 中的第一篇文章。


今天朋友給我的 mail,蠻好的,窩心。

KDE 3.5 Released

剛剛看到 KDE 3.5 Released:

WhiteFoxBR writes ""The KDE Project is happy to announce a new major release of the award-winning K Desktop Environment. Many features have been added or refined, making KDE the most complete, stable and integrated free desktop environment available." Here a Visual Guide to new features, including build-in ad-block for Konqueror and support for MSN and Yahoo! webcams in Kopete. "。


一堆 Port Scanner 軟體

Port Scanners 這裡提供了一堆 Port Scanner 軟體,有興趣的朋友可以看看。


如果您想要禁止 Google、Yahoo、...等搜尋引擎搜尋您的網站,請參考:网页搜索帮助-禁止搜索引擎收录的方法





今天收到朋友寄給我的一封 joke-mail,不錯,長知識!!

更新 Joomla!

昨天晚上看到 Joomla! 1.0.4 早就釋放出來了,但我卻一直沒有更新。剛好今天晚上有空,就順手升級了一下。


Red Hat designates its top priority projects

來自 Red Hat designates its top priority projects 的報導,介紹了 Red Hat 未來兩年的重點計畫。其中主要鎖定在下列幾項事物上:

  • KProbe
  • OProfile
  • Eclipse
  • Mudflap
  • Xen
  • Stateless Linux

看來,Red Hat 總算有點覺醒了。但總覺得 Red Hat 還是只鎖定在大型伺服器所需的功能上,而忽略了企業需要的群組軟體、目錄服務、同步、以及備份方案上。

How the PowerBook was Born

今天在 Slashdot 看到了這篇文章:

How the PowerBook was Born: "Sabah Arif writes 'Apple had no presence in the portables market prior to 1992. Its attempt at creating a laptop Macintosh, the Macintosh Portable, weighed almost 15 lbs and failed to sell. On the personal behest of John Sculley, Apple contracted with Sony to create Asahi, a smaller Portable. Apple developed two high end models in company. After 1992 and until the disastrous 5300, Apple was the leading notebook maker.'"

(Via Slashdot.)

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